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AidCurrent Artist Profile: Matt Stanton Beard

Total Funds Raised
Daily Average
Date Joined
$67,436$16.14Oct 1, 2013


Matt Beard resides on the beautifully remote Humboldt coast of Northern California. He considers both art and surfing wonderful problems to have and stopped trying to quit either of them years ago. His art has been shown and published in various periodicals world-wide, most notably The Surfer’s Journal (Vol. 17, #3).

Preferred Nonprofits:

Location: Eureka, CA


Artist's Statement:

"Growing up surfing the California coast, hunting the elusive “secret” spot, memorizing entries from Bank Wright’s classic Surfing California, the diverse beauty of this state’s coastline has captivated me from an early age, and continues to inspire my artwork to this day. So it’s appropriate that by far the longest running thread in my work has been the California coast where the moods, topographies, geologies, and our interaction with it all is varied enough to inspire several lifetimes of work. Other subjects of recent explorations have ranged from rhythmic abstractions born out of spontaneous reaction to live music, to the simple poetic subtleties of water to the varied complexities of mathematical expressions of waves through rhythms, cycles, and vibrations."

Thoughts on Giving with Art:

"I’ve been blessed to be involved with many projects designed to help others through art as well as launching a few of my own. In 2011 I created a project called the Board Art Benefit for SurfAid International, a humanitarian nonprofit working in villages throughout Indonesia and beyond. That project grew over the course of one year to include over 40 artists and surfboard shapers with total sales over $80,000 and successfully raised over $25,000 for the organization, even after all event costs were accounted for and allowing contributing artists to receive 50% of their sales.This AidCurrent project is where I'm focusing my current efforts. Whether seeking opportunities to paint live at events to raise money for various nonprofits and charities, or simply inspiring others to do more with their resources, I'm just stoked to do the most that I can do with what I've been given in life."
