The second musician we tagged along with for our Lockdown Live Sessions was Southern California’s Brother Yusef.
Holy moly. A friend recommended we check out Brother Yusef’s live stream and I’m glad we did. Hope you dig him too.
The bio below was pilfered from his facebook page at:
“I grew up among the Redwoods…”
Brother Yusef’s music is exuberant, bouncing with a highly rhythmic beat and slippery with a wildly flailing slide; this Bakersfield born, dreadlocked bluesman chugs and stomps the blues with impassioned devotion.
By combining “traditional” finger picking and slide guitar with the contemporary feel of urban blues, Brother Yusef gives the past and present equal rights on stage. With verve and spark, his renditions of the old classic blues are delivered with a funky, deep-roots style that will make anyone sit up and listen.
A stand-out talent
If you love the grit of grinding passionate blues you’ll love Brother Yusef. Absolutely a stand-out talent by any measure… If you stand still while listening to this album, check into a hospital— you’ve flat lined!
promo provided courtesy of
EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts, Calgary Alberta, Canada