Total Funds Raised | Daily Average | Date Joined |
$23,900 | $7.41 | Jun 1, 2016 |

I grew up on the South Jersey beaches. I graduated from St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia and received a secondary degree from Hussian School of Art, Philadelphia. I surf, I paint and I love my family.
-Jon Baker
Preferred Nonprofits:
Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey
Artist's Statement:
I paint in different genres. I draw on the rich history of Atlantic City in most of my local art. My American Flag waves and surfers reflect my love of country. My People Waves are harder to define. They convey a sense of being part of something bigger. Waves can be a metaphor for life and how we face it. We develop relationships with those closest to us in the wave. We all must face our own mortality as we go over the falls. Twisting, turning and falling blind ~or~ spotting our landing. Our choices in life define how we face life and death. I hope to be brave and spot my landing when my time comes.
Thoughts on Giving with Art:
I am blessed to have a family that supports my deep passion for art and a community that cares for and looks out for one another. I believe that God gave us art to heal the world.